Pokemon Leafgreen Wiki

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Pokedex No.1-151[]

No.1 Bulbasaur

No.2 Ivysaur

No.3 Venusaur

No.4 Charmander

No.5 Charmeleon

No.6 Charizard

No.7 Squirtle

No.8 Wartortle

No.9 Blastoise

No.10 Caterpie

No.11 Metapod

No.12 Butterfree

No.13 Weedle

No.14 Kakuna

No.15 Beedrill

No.16 Pidgey

No.17 Pidgeotto

No.18 Pidgeot

No.19 Rattata

No.20 Raticate

No.21 Spearow

No.22 Fearow

No.23 Ekans

No.24 Arbok

No.25 Pikachu

No.26 Raichu

No.27 Sandshrew

No.28 Sandslash

No.29 Nidoran (Female)

No.30 Nidorana

No.31 Nidoqueen

No.32 Nidoran (Male)

No.33 Nidorano

No.34 Nidoking

No.35 Clefairy

No.36 Clefable

No.37 Vulpix

No.38 Ninetales

No.39 Jigglypuff

No.40 Wigglytuff
